Friday, October 31, 2014

Work Continues

The outside of the new building is looking up.  It looks so good that people are starting to stop and ask what we are doing. Even a lady from the Chamber of Commerce ask and then ask us to tell them when we will be ready for them to show up to a "ribbon cutting". It is also now repainted.

Inside; we continue to do what we can while awaiting county approvals. The platform is being rebuilt to the engineers specifications.

The Pastor has been busy with floor time in the bathrooms....

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Murphy's Law

We have all heard it before "If something can go wrong, it will go wrong." that is the essence of Murphy's law. For added measure; let's just throw in the "Monkey Wrench."

The men have come a long way on the platform construction. Remember that the county said we needed an engineer.......he has seen it and likes what we have done, so we continued with the build.

Both sides are done.
We assumed that the engineer would draw and certify what he had seen; here's where that monkey wrench comes into play..... We had to tear it down and start all over. I guess I can't really blame the engineer for being overly cautious, it is his name and liability on the plans.

OK guys; the practice run is over - let's do it again...

There are 3 5/8" x 5" lag screws on each stud, plus the 2x4 bracing. I don't think this ledger board is going to collapse!

Look at the floor joists - double 2 x 8's. The plan gave us a choice of joist hangars or (3) of the lag screws at each end of the joist. Let's see; 12 screws at .69 cents each or 2 joist hangars at $1.55 each.......


Even the outside is looking better. Deacon Davila is pressure washing; getting ready for paint.

Sunday, October 5, 2014


We would all like to think that renovation and construction is an easy thing and that it moves along at a fast pace. Fact is that the "start-up" is at a snails pace and progress appears to be stagnant. I can tell you that "it ain't so".

Our new building is a large high visibility structure that once was (I think) a  metal fabrication shop. There are things we can do, and many things we can't do (without approval). The can't do(s) is where the slowdown shows up. Number one is that the occupancy rating has to change - from what it was to "Assembly" which follows a whole different set of codes. This requires approval at the County.

Pastor Kallam had a meeting with the county a few weeks ago (see the earlier post). The requirements necessary to move forward are still being worked and just so yo don't get the idea that nothing is happening, there is a lot going on "behind the scenes".

Drawings and details that the county needs are being worked, and a general contractor is being consulted to help finalize the plans that will be need for approved. An engineer has been consulted about the load bearing capacity of the raised platform(s); and other experts are being consulted about electro/mechanical work. Like I said, sort of "behind the scenes".

Things are progressing in the existing office areas, the doors are being changed to six panel colonials, all the old flooring has been removed and new carpet or ceramic is in place. Wall painting and baseboards are still in work. It is looking good.