Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Thge new chairs are in and oh so comfortable. No more metal folding chairs that looked like; well exactly what they were - folding metal chairs. The new chairs just make the sanctuary look so much better and "permanent".

Sound Techs - you know what I'm talking about; we are always striving for better sound, here's where ALC of Navarre is at now.

The sound system is no longer a miss-match of differing loudspeaker brands and antiquated technology. When the project started, we determined that new main speakers would be needed to fill this large sanctuary. New Electrovoice ELX215's were purchased for the main house speakers and coupled them to a new QSC RMX 4050a power amplifier. They sounded good, and could that amp deliver the power to those dual 15" woofers - but something was missing on the stage mix. The old Yamaha speakers sounded "muddy" compared to the house speakers, something that the equalizer just couldn't fix. The Yamaha's were replaced with Electrovoice ELX112's and what a difference. The four stage monitors are also powered by a QSC amp, this one is a RMX 1450.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Latest Photos

Final Inspections

Final inspections for the building, electrical, plumbing and mechanical are all finally accomplished. We still need to finish the exterior site before we can get it finalized. Plants and the driveway are the last things to do. We have held a couple of services and it sure is great.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Looking Great

The sanctuary is looking great. The walls have been textured with a "knock down" finish and the primer is going on. Meanwhile the ladies are scraping excess texture off of the floor in preparation for the "glue down" carpeting. The completion estimate is about a month from now.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

So Much Progress

So much progress has been made; it is amazing. The photos shown here just do not do justice to the hard work the dedicated saints (with the Pastor leading the way) have made. All the sheet rock is finally up and the finishers are scheduled to be spraying texture this week (Aug 15, 2016). The main lighting fixtures are installed so we can get a better look and feel for the sanctuary space. The platform is cleaned up and you can see just how much space ther is. Won't we have a time......