Saturday, August 20, 2016

Looking Great

The sanctuary is looking great. The walls have been textured with a "knock down" finish and the primer is going on. Meanwhile the ladies are scraping excess texture off of the floor in preparation for the "glue down" carpeting. The completion estimate is about a month from now.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

So Much Progress

So much progress has been made; it is amazing. The photos shown here just do not do justice to the hard work the dedicated saints (with the Pastor leading the way) have made. All the sheet rock is finally up and the finishers are scheduled to be spraying texture this week (Aug 15, 2016). The main lighting fixtures are installed so we can get a better look and feel for the sanctuary space. The platform is cleaned up and you can see just how much space ther is. Won't we have a time......