The Santa Rosa Building Deprtment is still putting road blocks in the way - we still do not have a building permit! This has been going on for about a year now. They are now asking for some of the same documents that we gave them last month. Belzebub is surely up to his tricks in Navarre, FL.
There has been a lot of back and forth emails with VistaPrint. Once again they have said to call them.I can do that; but like the Santa Rosa County Building Deprtment there comes a point where you just have to stand your ground and say enough is enough. We are searching for a new web host.... Meanwhile, I tried the YouTube method of creating a video to embed the audio sermons. I created one for the Bro Sanchez sermon called Faith. This audio is 1 hour, 26 minutes long. It took 1:49 to create and upload. Only 21 more to do...... Uploading an mp3 was so much easier and faster. Anybody got any other ideas?
My name is Brian and I work for / If you are having issues with Yourlisten, I have a workaround. I also build websites. I fixed the archives at Lutheran Radio Church Service -